Podiatry Education Day - 14th of May 2016
The Total Foot and Ankle Clinic would like to invite you to their Podiatry Education Day held on the 14th of May, 2016 at the University of New England - Parramatta Future Campus (Level 1, 232 Church St, Parramatta NSW). The education session will run between 12pm-6pm and will focus on covering the topic of Orthotic prescription and treatment and surgical intervention. Foot Orthotics have been a standard treatment for foot related pathologies and deformity. The treatment outcomes will depend on correct Orthotic choice, initial prescription and possible adjustments made later. The presentations will be very interactive and related directly to the Podiatry scope of practice.
The education day will contain detailed knowledge and information that will help benefit you and your patients. The following topic will be covered:
Types of Orthotics that Podiatrist prescribe
Casting Techniques – Foam/Plaster casting and Computerised scans
Computerised and milled orthotics
Intrinsic and extrinsic additions to castings
Relating the measurements into the orthotic prescription
Choosing the right orthotic laboratory
Limitations of certain orthotic types
Custom orthotics Vs Off-the-Shelf
Particular orthotics for certain conditions
Easy DIY addition options and orthotic adjustment
Health fund requirements for orthotic prescription
Trial and Error in treatment
False Marketing of orthotics
How to measure patient satisfaction
Importance of forefoot valgus in orthotic prescription
Surgical options for common foot problems If orthotics don’t work
Hyprocure procedure
Advances in Surgery and Minimal Invasive Surgery (MIS)
Surgical options for heel pain (Plantarfasciitis)
The Podiatry Education Day will be presented by Podiatric Surgeon: Dr Ozan Amir and Podiatrist: Omar Najjarine.
Light refreshments, coffee and tea provided
Cost: $120
Podiatry Students (discount): $90
Will contribute to 6 hours towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) - Podiatry Education hours (certificate issued).
Podiatry students and other Health Professionals are also welcome
To book your spot or for any inquiries - please see below
To book your spot
STEP 1: Register your name and deatils (click send), then make payment.
STEP 2: To make payment:
- Payment option 1 (see below) - via Paypal / Credit card - clicking on the FLYER and adding course to shopping chart then CHECKOUT.
- Payment option 2 (see below) - To make payment via bank transfer
- Payment option 3 (see below) - send a cheque